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Portion sizes

Writer's picture: farzanahoodafarzanahooda

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Easy peasy steps in gauging the perfect portion size

Wow, I didn’t realise how big and weird my hand looked until I took this photo! Anyhoo…

We all know that nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. But how much do we eat? What is a portion size?

Using your hand is a great way of showing you how to eat the right amount for your body without using calculators. Your hands are roughly in proportion to your body size. Here’s how to use your hands to estimate your portions as a rough guide:


Roughly one palm full should be your protein size.

Protein helps to reduce hunger, keeps our immune system healthy and helps us maintain our muscles, which is important for mobility and every day functioning.

Examples include, fish, eggs, tofu, chicken, red meat, soya based products & meat alternatives.


Roughly the size of a cupped palm.

Carbohydrate foods provide us with energy, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Examples include, rice, potatoes, pasta, oats, grains, bread etc.


Fat is an important source of energy, essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E and K – all of which help to keep us healthy.

Use the top part of your thumb as a gauge of how much to eat.

Examples include, Butter, hard cheese, nuts or seeds, mayo or salad dressings.

If using olive oil or similar use 1 tablespoon which is the equivalent.


Vegetables contain fibre, vitamins and minerals all of which our body needs to stay healthy.

These should be included with every meal and I normally load half my plate up.

Try to include 1-2 fist size portions of vegetables or fruit every time you eat a meal or as a snack.

For more information and nutrition advice, feel free to join my members only FB page.

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